Big Head Press

Strip 870 -- First Seen: 2012-01-17
Escape From Terra is updated with new pages every Monday through Friday.

Back To Normal... Yay!

And... We are back!

And we're back! Scott's power and Internet was restored a few days ago, and Scott spent that time since diligently working to get the next strip up. Also, please consider supporting Scott through Patreon or Subscribestar to help keep Quantum Vibe going! You can find links to them on this page, and enjoy today's fresh strip!

Please Stand By

Hurricane Beryl damage

As many of you may have heard, huricane Beryl caused a lot of damage to buildings and infrastructure in the Houston area. It also took out power and Internet service on Galveston Island where Scott lives. As a consequence, uploads of Quantum Vibe will be delayed until power and Internet services are restored. Hopefully it will only effect Monday's strip, but we can't promise anything at this point. In any event, we will resume uploads as soon as possible. Please check back here for further developments.

The Transcript For This Page

Panel 1

Leon, still in a mock-gruff tone and body stance. The group of children giggling in front of him.

Leon: Okay, first-and-a-half:

Leon: ...Don't sass your elders, speak only when spoken to and kids should be seen and not heard. Got it?

Kids: Hee hee! Tee hee! Haha!

Panel 2

Leon lurches forward as though he were about to leave his comfortable chair. The children shriek and run away in mock panic.

Leon: So you think you've called my bluff, have you?

Leon: Where's my switch?

Panel 3

Leon settles back with a self-satisfied grin on his face.

Leon: Alright, second, I'm not your grandfather anyway. For most of you, I am your great-great-great-grandfather,

Panel 4

Head and shoulders shot of Lucas, a cute kid missing his two front teeth and has big eyes.

Leon (OP): 'cept you, Lucas, I'm your great-great-great-great-grandfather.

Panel 5

Head and shoulders shot of Flora, about 10 years old with straight hair in loose pigtails.

Leon (OP): And Flora, I'm only your great-great-grandfather.

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