Big Head Press

Strip 993 -- First Seen: 2012-07-06
Escape From Terra is updated with new pages every Monday through Friday.

QV9 KickStarter Campaign Has Begun!

Quantum Vibe: This Means War (Part 3) Kick Starter preview

The epic QUANTUM VIBE: This Means War story concludes with Part 3, and we require funds to publish a print volume. To sweeten the pot a bit, we have added stickers and magnet add-ons for the Project for a Free Cosmos concept (explained in the story).

The campaign started Monday, October 7 and will conclude in 30 days.

Click on this link or on the picture to back our campaign!

QV9 Kick Starting Next Week!

Quantum Vibe: This Means War (Part 3) Kick Starter preview

The epic QUANTUM VIBE: This Means War story concludes with Part 3, and we require funds to publish a print volume. To sweeten the pot a bit, we have added stickers and magnet add-ons for the Project for a Free Cosmos concept (explained in the story).

The campaign begins Monday, October 7.

Click on this link or on the picture to see the campaign preview page where you can sign up to be notified of the launch next week.

The Transcript For This Page

Panel 1
Re-establish the scene in the spaceport, as Marsha and her cronies seek passage off of Vesta with Robert 'Bobcat' Katzman.
Bobcat: I'm afraid I can't take you to Mars, at least not on this trip.
Bobcat: I gotta cargo committed to Power City, in the Uranian atmosphere.
Panel 2
Marsha pleads with Bobcat. Bobcat looks thoughtful.
Marsha: Please, Mr. Bobcat, isn't there anything you can do to help us?
Bobcat: Well ... the least-energy trajectory would pass close enough to Pallas that a local shuttle could take you on a transfer.
Panel 3
Marsha and her delighted cohort shuffle off after Bobcat. They shuffle past (not into) a doorway which will be the focus of the next panel.
Marsha: Is that closer to Mars? Well, no matter, we accept!
Bobcat (thought): After that, you'll be Pallas' problem.

Panel 4
Focus on that doorway. A sign tells us it's the ARRIVAL GATE. Pierre Le Boeuf (from the 'Code Duello' arc) is standing just in front of the doorway, with his luggage at his feet, and is looking around with a disappointed expression.
Pierre: Bonjour, je suis ici. Is anyone here?

Panel 5
A 10-year-old boy wearing a truckers-style cap with the words 'Vesta Spaceport Agent' on it, Vesta-walks up to Pierre.
Boy: May I help you, sir? I'm a Vesta Spaceport Agent.
Pierre: I am looking for the Vesta Council offices. Can you direct me there?
Panel 6
Medium close-up on the boy so we can see his cap, a remembrance of Babbette The Younger's first appearance.
Boy: Well sir, The Vesta Council offices are currently closed.
Boy: May I take you to a suitable hotel? My runabout is over there.
Panel 7
Pierre tip-toe-walks along behind the boy, who has taken some of Pierre's luggage.
Pierre: Alright, garçon, take me to your finest hotel, the Vesta Council will be paying for it.
Panel 8
Medium Close-up on the boy, smiling. We can see a name-tag on his shirt which reads, 'Mario Farber.'
Boy: As you wish, Sv. To the Farber Inn, best hotel on Vesta.

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