Big Head Press

Page 18 - Click on page above to goto the next page. -- First Seen: 2009-10-07

This is a preview of: Phoebus Krumm

The Transcript For This Page

Four Panels

PANEL ONE (upper lefthand quarter of page)

The following panels help Lia tell her story. In the first, we're
looking at two or three skin-clad cavemen, as they spy from hiding on
a couple of wolves tearing at the carcass of something with elaborate

Give the horizon a couple of identifying landmarks, a peak or a
cliff, whatever.

Lia (from out of panel): 'Men cannot be governed and remain men.'


PANEL TWO (upper righthand quarter of page)

_Much_ closer shot of one of the wolves (and a bit of the antlered
carcass) with its hackles up, and its fang-filled jaws wide open in a
threat display. At the opposite side of the panel, a brave (or crazy)
caveman approaches with a tentative hand out.

Lia (from out of panel): 'Domesticate the wolf and he changes, both
physically and mentally.'


PANEL THREE (lower lefthand quarter of page)

The same country in the background, but it's a long time later. A
bearded man stands, facing the reader. He's dressed in a simple,
knee-length tunic of coarse hand-woven cloth and crude fur shoes.
Slung on his back are a simple bow and a quiver of arrows. In one
hand, he holds a short axe with a copper head like the one carried by
Oetzi, the alpine ice man.

Beside him sits an animal halfway through the transition. It looks
like an African wild dog, spotted and otherwise altered.

Lia (from out of panel): 'His muzzle shrinks. His teeth diminish. He
loses size, speed, and strength, He grows spots. His ears flop. His
brain withers. He becomes a _dog_.'


PANEL FOUR (lower right quarter of page)
Dozens of individuals kneel before some hideous idol. Their heads
are on the ground, and their arms stretch out before them. Flanking
the idol, a pair of tough-looking thug-priests.

Lia (from out of panel): 'Men are on the verge of becoming dogs -- the
changes are underway already -- unless we do something to stop it.'