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-- First Seen: 2009-11-30
This is a preview of: Phoebus Krumm
The Transcript For This Page
PANEL ONE (upper left sixth)
Shotgun broken over his forearm, Halliwater has turned to face his
advisors, whom we see from the back. Past him, Urmurm holds the other
gun, also broken. This is tight enough that we don't see much of the
meadow or the line of beaters.
Halliwater: 'Gentlemen, if my confidential informants are correct, and
Lia Wheeler has sent pirates to steal my ship ... '
PANEL TWO (upper right sixth
Closer on Halliwater, who snaps the gun shut decisively.
Halliwater: 'I say, 'Let them come'!'
PANEL THREE (middle third)
Cut back to orbital view of Hannover II. From outside, looking down, past the hull of the Resplendent Quetzal, we see the Lift on its final 50 feet of cabelle, and the planet below.
Krumm (electric, from inside the conveyance): 'This is Captain Phoebus
Krumm. Permission to come aboard?'
Voice (electric, from ship): 'Permission granted, skipper! Welcome
aboard _Resplendent Quetzal_!'
PANEL FOUR (bottom third)
Inside the liftdeck, the lowest area of _Resplendent Quetzal_,
it's dark -- colors are muted browns and grays. The ship has yet to be
powered up.
A general clutter of framing and timbers slants every whichway,
dominated by the enormous central mast which is 'stepped' or anchored
here. The lift, in fact, fits in a receptacle in the mast's somewhat
skeletonized butt. The door of the lift has opened and the three men
are stepping out in their spacesuits.
They're met by spacesuited figures who operated the lift for them.
Voice (electric, coming from above): 'We're about fifteen minutes away
from full power-up, Captain, including the #-field.'
Krumm (electric): 'Very good, Mr. Holder. See you on the maindeck.'
Krumm (electric): 'Thank you gentlemen. Soon we'll have air to
Figures: 'Aye, aye, sir!'