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-- First Seen: 2009-12-04
This is a preview of: Phoebus Krumm
The Transcript For This Page
PANEL ONE (upper third)
The magnificent open maindeck of _Resplendent Quetzal_. The ship's
mast stands in the middle, 30 feet in diameter, soaring into a cloud
of yards, lines, and sails. Around its base, a low, circular railed
platform that acts as a third, steam-powered 'rigger's lift'.
Everywhere, on deck and aloft, we see spacesuited people at work,
readying the ship for her journey.
Raised around the circumference of the deck are two layers of
cabins with mullioned doors and windows. Most of these quarters are
officers' and passenger accommodations. The lower level stands at the
same level as the maindeck. Its roof forms the railed quarterdeck.
The upper level is set back six or eight feet from the
quarterdeck. Its roof forms the command deck, a broad walkway from
which the ship is usually controlled, and which has rails around its
inner and outer circumferences.
Many lines and stays are fastened on these two decks. Here and
there ladders (steep stairs) offer access to the maindeck. There is no
ship's wheel, but a binnacle topped with a huge (basketball-sized)
track ball. Close beside it is an out-of-place looking console on a
short pole. It should not look like a 'natural' part of the ship, but
something recently added.
The stars, and perhaps a part of Hanover II, are visible, but it
still seems dark and nighttimeish. Concentrate on the open deckspace,
where Krumm, Tarrant, and Demondion-Echeverria are being greeted by
another spacesuited figure, a large one, but not as large as Krumm. It
Figure: 'Welcome aboard, sir! If you would all power your suits down,
we'll breathe life into this fine lady!'
Krumm: 'Gentlemen, this is Mr. Holder, my first officer and sailing
maser. Mr. Holder, the Jendyne Ambassador and Hanebuth Tarrant.'
Tarrant (to Demondion-Echeverria): 'Any electrical device working when
the #-field forms will explode. That's why everything is steam or
Krumm: 'I've seen it happen, Frantisek. Power down. Mr Holder, if you
Holder: 'Aye, aye, sir!'
PANEL TWO (middle left third of page)
The deck bursts into color as if the sun just came out (or Dorothy
opened the door to Munchkin Land). Now the stars are slightly
obscured, as if by a thin haze around the ship. Everybody is taking
off the helmet of his suit.
Holder: '#-field engaged, sir!'
PANEL THREE (middle right third of page)
Look at some details. Past Krumm and Holder we see the mullioned
doors and windows of the quarterdeck and command deck, clean and
crystal clear in their gleaming white frames.
Krumm: 'Good! Now tell me -- what in the name of the Abyssal Void is a
_Resplendent Quetzal_?'
PANEL FOUR (lower lefthand quarter of page)
Around the base of the mast, with its oval interliftdeck door,
there is a rail perhaps five feet away that encircles it. This is the
rigging lift, but we won't know it until later.
Holder: 'Well, it's sort of a complicated story, sir.'
PANEL FIVE (lower right quarter of page)
Krumm leans toward his first officer.
Krumm: 'I _like_ complicated stories.'