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-- First Seen: 2009-12-18
This is a preview of: Phoebus Krumm
The Transcript For This Page
Three-shot with Krumm, Demondion-Echeverria, and Dangerous Pat.
Krumm: 'These loaves of bread could just as well be your head.'
Tight closeup of Krumm, looking scary.
Krumm: 'Remember well: it is _death_ to intersect the #-field!'
Krumm turns back to the crew.
Krumm: 'Now, Mr. Holder, put on your Sailing Master hat. Let us depart
these sunny climes for the cold depths of the interstellar Deep!'
The crew: 'Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!'
Two-shot, medium closeup of Demondion-Echeverria and Krumm. Both
face the reader and speak from the corners of their mouths.
Demondion-Echeverria (under his breath): 'Void alone knows how many
of them cheer their imminent demise.'
Krumm (under his breath): ''Struth -- the next demise could be your
own, Frantisek.'
PANEL FIVE (lower lefthand quarter of page)
The stern of the ship, as if she were lying on her side, with the
three engine-faces visible toward the left. Put two more or less on
top and the third at the bottom. This should rendered at a sufficient
angle that we can see the hull and a bit of the sails off to the
Krumm (from the maindeck, out of panel): 'We'll start with a test of
these vaunted engines. Mr. Moonkatz, if you please?'
Moonkatz (from the maindeck, out of panel): 'Aye, aye, sir!'
PANEL SIX (lower righthand quarter of page)
The control console, very close up. We see various controls and
Moonkatz's hand, with a thumb and forefinger delicately on a toggle
switch. (There should be safety cover, but it will have been flipped
back by now.)
SFX (switch): 'Tink!'