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-- First Seen: 2009-12-25
This is a preview of: Phoebus Krumm
The Transcript For This Page
The maindeck, opposite the quarterdeck and command deck. Despite
the ship's inertial dampers, people are being pulled hard to the left,
as if on a bus going around a tight corner at high speed.
Above and beyond the command deck, the stars are a diagonal blur
from upper left to lower right.
On the maindeck, someone has fallen from the rigging.
There's also a big sudden flash in the #-field above the binnacle.
SFX (falling sailor): 'Aaaaiii -- flump!'
SFX (#-field): 'Crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccckkkkk!!!!'
The maindeck, opposite the quarterdeck and command deck. Despite
the ship's inertial dampers, people are now being pulled hard to the
_right_. Many have fallen and are tumbling. The diagonal blur of stars
now goes the other way.
Two more sailors fall from the rigging.
SFX (falling sailors): 'Flump! Flump!'
PANEL THREE (2nd row, left side.)
Closeup on console. Moonkatz is on the deck, but his hand has
groped up over the edge to the toggle switch and turned the engine
SFX (switch): 'Tink!'
PANEL FOUR (2nd row, right side)
Command deck. Krumm, Holder, Dangerous Pat. Off to one side,
Tarrant is trying to revive an unconscious Demondion-Echeverria.
Behind them, the stars still seem to reel.
Krumm: 'Mr. Holder, send riggers aloft. We've got to get the pitch and
roll off this ship.'
Holder: 'Aye, aye, sir. Riggers aloft!'
Two-shot, Krumm and Dangerous Pat.
Krumm: 'Pat, what's the butcher's bill for this little experiment?'
Dangerous Pat: 'Less than it might have been, sir. Three riggers fell,
but only from the dorsal mizzen spar. They'll live.'
Krumm: 'And that flash in the #-field? Who was that?'
Dangerous Pat: 'Lookout says it was his lunch.'