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Quantum Vibe: Novo Palermo
A Drug War Carol, By Susan W. Wells and Scott Bieser - Scrooge McCzar directs the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Mary Jane Cratchett is a medical marijuana patient-activist who McCzar has arrested on Christmas Eve after she lights a joint at his press conference to protest the Drug War.
That night, McCzar is visited by the ghost of his predecessor, Harry Anslinger, the first Drug Czar. Three more ghosts follow, explaining the history of the War on Drugs and why it must be ended.
Will McCzar learn the error of his ways? Will both he and Mary jane live to see another Christmas?
65 pages of art plus 12 pages of notes and bibiography.
Suggested retail: $5.95 US.
List: $5.95 US, Now: $2.95 US

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