Strip 11 - Click on page above to goto the next page.
-- First Seen: 2008-09-29
Escape From Terra is updated with new pages every Monday through Friday.
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Once again, many thanks to our backers. Stand by for further updates.
The Transcript For This Page
Strip 11 – All ashore
Panel 1
Large panel, ship at left approaching Ceres at right. Actually the Burner is backing towards the planetoid, engines slowing her velocity. The planetoid surface is essentially one giant frozen water-ocean, covered with a layer of dust, with several small, rocky islands protruding here and there. The icy surface is peppered with thousands of small, shallow craters, and criss-crossed with small ridges and cracks. See the Wikipedea page for Ceres for details. Some astronomers believe Ceres resembles the Saturnine moon Dione Although the dust layer would soften the outlines of the craters and ridges somewhat. The planetoid is less than 1,000km in diameter, but still large enough we don’t see structures on its surface at this distance. The ice is overed with a layer of dust perhaps a few cm thick – if we were rendering in color we might see a subtle red-ochre mottling effect.
Captain (from inside the Burner ship):
All hands, this is the Captain. Prepare for arrival at Ceres Spaceport, landing pad 3. Please secure all loose items.
Panel 2
Panels 2 and 3 should be same size, side-by-side
At the gangway to Landing Pad 3 (there should be a sign close-by) Guy and Fionella descend on an escalator. Guy looks exuberant, and is starting to take a step forward and downward from the escalator landing. (there should be a pair of vertical bars in the foreground, one on either side of the hatch opening)
Guy: Ms. Stellina, do you realize that you and I are going to make an entire world pays its fair share for the care for Terra's …
Panel 3
Same view, but now we only see Guy’s lower legs going up out of the panel frame.
Guy: … needy masses?