Strip 571 -- First Seen: 2010-11-15
Escape From Terra is updated with new pages every Monday through Friday.
On Their Way....
This is a message for the IGG QV9 backers! For those of you who ordered physical perks, they are on their way via USPS. For those of you who selected one or more of the PDF perks, you should have received an email from That email contains links to the vouchers you need to download your copy of the PDF you requested.
If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to check your spam folder. If you still can't find the email from DriveThruComics, let us know and we'll get the links you need.
Signing and Shipping
Scott has finished autographing all the books, and we've started shipping them out. Your physical perks should show up in the next week or so (might be a bit longer for international shipments). We expect to send out vouchers (via email) to those who wanted the PDF e-books.
Once again, many thanks to our backers. Stand by for further updates.
The Transcript For This Page
Panel 1
Tall panel. In the background, we can see Babbette the Younger, dressed in party clothes (no Spaceport Agent cap), holding a small stack of cards in one hand and one card from the stack in the other. In the foreground, we can see one of the cards up close, so we can read what's on it, and the hand of someone holding the card (we're looking at it from this anonymous person's POV.
The Card:
My Confession
My Amends
My Name
My Party!
Panel 2
Large panel. High-angle view of the party, in the same church area where we originally saw 'King Reginald The First' pull his fast one on Guy and Fiorella. The pews have been moved to the side to provide an open area in the center while still affording some seating on the sides. Behind and to one side of the dais is a Karaoke machine blaring music – the machine has a long pole extending vertically 3 meters into the air, with a rotating disco-ball on top. Light beams (not lasers) from the machine below reflect of the ball's mirrors creating some party lighting. There are also some low-power lasers emitting from the machine onto the walls, creating wild luminescent patterns. The place is also festooned with party ribbons, balloons, fake plants, and the pews along the sides have decorative coverings on them.
To one side of the main floor is a table with appetizers and drinks. Robyn and Mary Callahan are serving to guests. About 30 more people are standing around the main floor, chatting and drinking.
Caption (Reggie): 'Without telling Babbette, I fabbed up some fancy décor and fine tuned the karaoke machine's built-in light show.
Caption: 'When Babbette said she was going to get Callahan's to cater the shindig, I told her to tell Callahan to give her the church discount.
Caption: 'Which he did.'
Caption (Reggie): After greetings were made and appetizers and drinks served to everyone, Babbette stepped onto the dais.