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This is a preview of: Phoebus Krumm

The Transcript For This Page

Three Panels

PANEL ONE (upper lefthand quarter of page)

Three-shot, Krumm, Tarrant, and Demondion-Echeverria.

Krumm: 'Also known as 'Black Burt'.'

Tarrant: 'But never to his face, I'll wager.'

Demondion-Echeverria: 'You would win the wager ... '


PANEL TWO (upper righthand quarter of page)

The Jendyne Ceo kneels -- in profile -- at some kind of low altar.
Instead of candles and other such fixtures, there are tiny pilot
lights in every possible color, knobs, and levers.

Demondion-Echeverria (from outside of panel): 'He possesses no native
sense of humor; his dedication to Corism would have cauterized it away
in any case.'

Tarrant (from outside of panel): 'Corism ... Corist -- you mean he
worships the galactic _core_?'


PANEL THREE (lower half of page)

The Jendyne Ceo seen from the back, kneeling at the 'altar'. On
the wall above it, taking up the entire panel, is a representation of
the Milky Way galaxy, billions of sharp white points with a bright red
pinpoint in the center, and the 100-million sun Sagittarius Dwarf
Elliptical Galaxy, picked out in multicolors.

The Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy known to our protagonists
as 'The Cluster' is orbiting, and gradually merging with and melting
into, the Milky Way.

Demondion-Echeverria: 'With all his heart and soul, assuming he has
either. He and several billion devotees believe Mankind was far enough
from the Holy of Holies when it lived on Earth. 1000 years ago their
ancestors were cast out, into the Cluster. They must waste not a
moment nor the least unit of currency in the struggle to 'return'.'

Hanebuth: 'To Earth or the Core?'