Big Head Press

Page 25 - Click on page above to goto the next page. -- First Seen: 2009-10-23

This is a preview of: Phoebus Krumm

The Transcript For This Page

PANEL ONE (upper lefthand quarter of page)

Two-shot, Demondion-Echeverria and Krumm, with a smaller image of
the galaxy between them -- as if it's being shown on the wall --
deemphasizing the Cluster, focusing on the hot, red center.

Demondion-Echeverria: 'Ah ... the Great Corist Schism. One faction
would sail straight into the center of the galaxy. To others, that's
presumptuous, heretical.'

Krumm: 'And messy -- the center of the galaxy is a giant black hole.'


PANEL TWO (upper righthand quarter of page)

Similar shot, Tarrant and Demondion-Echeverria. Between them, the
galaxy looms like a starry doughnut, most of its central area blacked
out, a bright red line at the transition.

Demondion-Echeverria: 'The orthodox would return to Earth where their
deity put them to begin with. In time, the Core will come to them, as
it engulfs the entire galaxy, 10 billion years from now.'

Tarrant: 'By golly, Astro-Calvinism!'


PANEL THREE (lower lefthand quarter of page)

Show a 16th century family -- a man, woman, and their son and
daughter -- facing the reader. They are kneeling on the floor,
praying. On the wall behind them, a portrait of John Calvin.

Lia is seen in a tiny inset, bottom left.

Lia: 'History has seen their kind before. They wear plain clothing,
gray or black, dwell in Spartan quarters no matter how wealthy they


PANEL FOUR (lower right quarter of page)

In the same house, a dining table and the wall to one side of it,
with a row of chairs hung up high on the wall, the tops of their backs
touching the ceiling.

Insets of Demondion-Echeverria and Lia.

Demondion-Echeverria: 'Their dining halls have hooks high on the walls
where they hang the chairs after each meal so they will not be tempted
to sit, instead of standing and working.'

Lia: 'Likewise, there is no seating in their places of religious