Strip 25 - Click on page above to goto the next page.
-- First Seen: 2008-10-17
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Once again, many thanks to our backers. Stand by for further updates.
The Transcript For This Page
Strip 25
Panel 1
Larger panel, leave room for EFT logo.
The same tableau at Babbette’s counter, although the angle is shifted somewhat so we see the backs of Guy and Fiorella. Babbette’s still looking hostile.
Babbette: We don’t take Continentals or Terran credit cards. Rooms are two gold grams per night, twelve grams per week … in advance.
Panel 2
Medium close-up on Babbette
Babbette: If you don’t have gold, I can accept silver, water credits, Cokens, Gus, most casino chips – or maybe that fancy digital assistant you’re wearing.
Panel 3
Medium close-up on Guy, looking bewildered.
Guy: Er, Cokens? What are GUs?
Panel 4
This panel is a diagram of sorts containing various objects used as currency on Ceres. Three Cokens of different denominations; four different casino chips (from different casinos); a water certificate; a gold coin (about the size of a dime, marked '1 gram Au'); a silver coin (about the size of a quarter, marked '5 grams Ag'), a GU certificate marked '50 Grubstake Units.' Babbette’s explanation is contained in caption boxes, with quotation marks.
Caption 1: 'Cokens are Coke Tokens. The Ceres Coca Cola bottling plant issues Cokens in quarter, half and one liter denominations.
Caption 2: 'GUs are Grubstake Units. Issued by a mutual fund run by the Bank of Ceres, for prospectors who have staked mining claims on asteroids, but need further funding for tools, supplies, and so forth.'
Panel 5
Three-shot of Babbette, Guy and Fiorella. Guy is handing Babbette something that looks like a credit card, but thicker.
Guy: No problem. We can pay in gold.
Panel 6
Babbette sticks one end of the card into a slot of her payment terminal. We’re looking over her shoulder at the viewscreen, which shows the 'card' is really an “Electronic Wallet” connected to 'Bank of Ceres' and 'eGOLD S.A., Panama.' She deducts 24 gold grams from the account named 'UWRS.'
Babbette: Looks like you came prepared. Will there be anything else?
Panel 7
Two shot of Guy and Fiorella. They’re both speaking in turn.
Guy: Well, yes. Back on Terra, there is a great deal of confusion as to the nature of Ceres’ government. We have no information as to how it is organized.
Fiorella: If you could arrange for us to meet with some of your elected officials…
Panel 8
Three-shot of Babbette, Guy and Fiorella. Babbette has mostly forgotten her hostility now, and wears a casual expression as she hands Guy’s 'wallet,' along with a paper receipt, back to him. Guy’s and Fiorella’s eyes widen in response to Babbette’s response.
Babbette: Oh, we don’t have any elected officials.